#202 – Features and DevOps

‘You build it, you own it’ is one the popular phrases you’ll hear when on a DevOps journey. It means that, whatever changes you make to your product, it’ll be you and your team that’ll support it if something doesn’t work. So, no more throwing work over the wall to Operations or Production Support, as it’s much more effective that the Developers who build it run it, so the team becomes accountable for, and takes pride in and ownership of, their own work.

If you don’t have Product Teams, but Feature Teams, they’re probably delivering Features to multiple products. Feature Teams and DevOps can be combined, but we highly recommend that Feature Teams working across multiple products don’t also support multiple products—the Cognitive Load will, often, be too big. Instead, split the Ops responsibility between the Feature Teams, so one team only supports one product, but still can deliver Features across the products, so your organization’s cross-product agility remains.