#159 – Live Demo

The Sprint Review is for “inspecting the outcome of the Sprint and determining future adaptations”, and this outcome can be a single Product Increment (that meets the Scrum Team’s Definition of Done) or a sum of multiple Product Increments. The Product Increment must be usable so it provides value, and is a step towards the current Product Goal.

It’s difficult to make a usable Product Increment in PowerPoint. Instead, use PowerPoint presentations, mockups and other visual representations of the potential Product Increment prior to the Sprint Review to get the end users’ input on the User Interface, workflow, etc. Then, at the Sprint Review, which is a working session, end users and Developers collaborate to make a plan containing the next steps towards the Product Goal.

No matter how much you follow the rules of Scrum, go an extra mile in order to have conversations with the end users on whether you’re delivering the right value—and you don’t have to wait for the Sprint Review to do that.